пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.

100 and 1 thing to do when you are bored

When I'm bored I usually
- Listen to music
- Sleep
-Watch different movies
-Surf the enternet
- Eat
-Call somebody
-Do nothing
-Go for a walk
-Meet my friends

Let me kiss you,Dear!
Stand up and go away you!

I'm a spidercat!
Eyes? What's this?
I'm so tired from this life!

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Sedgwick, Marcus.  Revolver. Roaring Brook Press,  2010. $16.99. 978-1-59643-592-6;  
Sig is alone with his father’s body when the lawless man his father had managed to escape appears out of the icy wilderness.Genre: Thriller, Historical, Young Adult

I would like to read this book because it has an exciting  plot. Also I like genre of this book. And it is  good that the book not very long and the story really wonderful.I want to know about fate of the boy and what will happen in the end of the book.

Once Upon a Time (2011)
Centers on a woman with a troubled past who is drawn into a small town in Maine where the magic and mystery of Fairy Tales just may be real.
I would like to watch this TV show because I like the plot and also I like the actors.

I don't really want to play these games because I never play computer games.

пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

- LMAO - laughing My Ass Off
- LOL -  laughing out loud 
- MYOB -  Mind Your Own Business 
- BRB -  be right back 
- n00b - newbie
- OMG -  Oh My God 
- ROFL -  Rolling On Floor Laughing 
- m8 - mate
- 10x - thanks
- 2moro - tomorrow

- @TEOTD - At The end of The Day
- RUOK? - Are You Ok?
- 2L84 that - to late late for that
- CU L8R -  see you later

my hart S n pieces n 1ly u put it bac 2gtha
I gueS I nevr told u, Im so hpE dat youre myn
R U free 2nite or S it going 2 cost me ?
LOL lamo teens n their lamo txtN
n therry theres no diff btw therry n prctic. n prctic der S.
welcom 2 my nu fav sport - txt msgN!
dnt B irreplaceable , F U cnt B replaced , U cnt B promoD

- My heart is in only you  put it back together
- I guess I never told you, I am so happy that you are mine
- Are you free tonight or is it going to cost me?
- loughing out of loud lame teens in their  lame texting
- In theory there is no difference between theory in practice there is
- Welcome to my new favourite sport text messaging!
- Don't be irreplaceable, for you can't be replaced you can't be promoced

The West African state of Niger, currently severely affected by a growing regional food crisis, has become the worst place in the world to be a mother, according to Save the Children

De west africn st8 of niger,curently severly afectd bi groN regionl fud crisiz, S becom de wost plas n de wold 2 B made acodN 2 sav de children.

пятница, 4 мая 2012 г.

The Morning in a Pine Forest.

The Morning in a Pine Forest.

AuthorIvan Shishkin (1832 -1898)
Media of Original PaintingOil on canvas
Museum of originalFrom collection of the Tretyakov Gallery
GenresArt Woodland
EpochsArt of the 19th centuries
Publication sizeB2 (50x70 см)
Publication typeFine Art Print
Date of Origin1889
Paper size (custom print)50x70 cm
Size of original, cm139x213
This wonderful picture is a painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. It was painted in 1889.Savitsky has painted the bears and Shishkin has painted the landscape.When you look at a picture Shishkin bears painting , that each person can mentally present  itself in this wood, early morning, the smell of needles and a damp morning fog is caught charges air fresh wood aromа. Here is shown a sunlight, struggling through the giants’ columns, but the dense forest. It feels here the gully depth and power of age-old trees. The sunlight feels like looking slightly in this dense forest. Romping little bears feel the approaching of the morning. We are observers for wild nature and its habitantsThe special place in a picture occupies a fog underlining air space of product. Picture black forest bears in a pine forest in Morning is the greatest masterpiece of the fine arts, there is it today in the State Tretyakov gallery.

четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

Top 10 ways to be annoying

1.     1. To sing vulgar songs loudly
2. To ask a lot of stupid questions
3. To dish the dirt
4. Try to be very cute
5. To play with an automatic pen during the lecture
6. To say obvious things with a serious face
7. Laughing very loudly and hysterically at absolutely unfunny things
8. To take other people’s things without asking
9. To write letters with a lot of mistakes
10. To give useless advice

We were very surprised when we saw ourselves on the photo in the Internet. This is outrageous! You have no rights to do things like that! You are boldly exposed us and now people know that there are such creatures like us. If you won't delete this picture from anywhere, we'll have to kill you. AHAHA!

пятница, 27 апреля 2012 г.

My To-Do list

- Appear on the Royal reception 
- Be a bee 
- Catch a  thief when he robs a bank 
- Make a to-do list
- Donate my neighbour's breakfast to a homeless person
- Dye my hair to the colours of rainbow
- Gatecrash drunk to the gay bar
- Get a job in the UNO
- Go to Antarctic 
- Invent Barack Obama to my Birthday party
- Milk a goat
- Participate in Third World War
- Photocopy my cat's face
- Plant a bush of black roses
- Visit Mars 

do a runner -  leave or escape hastily or furtively 
gatecrash enter (a party or other gathering) without an invitation or ticket
skinny dipping - swim naked
an extra - an item in addition to what is usual or strictly necessary

пятница, 20 апреля 2012 г.

Crazy news - you will know about it first!

News: Zombie seagulls are attacking alive people!!!

Scientists combined the DNA of a horse and a human being.

News: People in Siberia are so severe that they are attacking bears! 

вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

Healthy Lifestyle

1. Be positive! It will help you to be psychologically tuned to work and have a positive impact on your health. 

2. If you really want to keep a healthy lifestyle - don't smoke, don't drink, don't take drugs. Never begin and stay as far as possible from it.

3. In order to avoid stress and depression, to save your time and efforts, you should organize your daily schedule if you want to succeed. 

4. To get enough strength and energy, you should sleep 6 - 8 hours per day. Deep sleep is the vital source of brain activity, good state of health and mood. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll feel constantly tired and possibility of productive work in the afternoon will sharply decrease.  

5. It is necessary to do morning exercices to help our organism to pass from a somnolence to wakefulness. As a result, our organism is capable to react adequately to external physical and mental irritants, and finally we feel less stresses. 

6. To look well, it is also necessary to eat right. Eat more vegetables and fruit in order that our organism received as much as possible essential and useful vitamins. 

7. Drinking plenty of water daily, you will help your body to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as output the unwanted toxins.  

8. What is necessary for your body it is fresh air! Spend as much time outdoors as possible and the results will amaze you!  

9. Hobby is one of the ways to relax after a tiring working day. It can help to take your mind off the fuss and routine of everyday life, and make you feel better. 

10. One of the tips to defeat stress are the extra activities. You can become a volunteer or just be a player of a team. This will help you escape from problems at work and home and just have a good time. Presentation

четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.

Questions to the Harry Potter's glog

  1. How many copies of books about Harry Potter have been sold?
  2. In what book Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to complete Dumbledore's task?
  3. What is the major theme in the series, according to Rowling?

пятница, 30 марта 2012 г.


This girl's life is full of adventures and funny events. There was some not very nice occurrences in her life but she don't worry about it, because she is such an optimistic person. Her everyday life is not boring, she can find fun even in the most boring things. There are stories from her childhood to her student life. Fortunately she is still alive and there will be a lot of new exciting stories about this wonderful girl.


пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.

четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.

Group 1

И его затея окупилась. Тесты, проведенные учеными в его родном городе Росток, показали, что жир, несомненно, был пригоден к  употреблению  Таким образом, мистер Фельдмайер сэкономил несколько евро.Перед тем как он с учёными попробовал содержимое банки, он намазал им буханку чёрного хлеба, на которую  ему пришлось потратиться.. И так, каков же был вкус?
Я думала, что вкус будет тошнотворным, но это оказалось не так. Я была удивлена, что жир не показал признаков гниения. На жестяной банке не было указано срока годности и, как говориться с старинной поговорке:"Обед узнают по кушанью".