пятница, 27 апреля 2012 г.

My To-Do list

- Appear on the Royal reception 
- Be a bee 
- Catch a  thief when he robs a bank 
- Make a to-do list
- Donate my neighbour's breakfast to a homeless person
- Dye my hair to the colours of rainbow
- Gatecrash drunk to the gay bar
- Get a job in the UNO
- Go to Antarctic 
- Invent Barack Obama to my Birthday party
- Milk a goat
- Participate in Third World War
- Photocopy my cat's face
- Plant a bush of black roses
- Visit Mars 

do a runner -  leave or escape hastily or furtively 
gatecrash enter (a party or other gathering) without an invitation or ticket
skinny dipping - swim naked
an extra - an item in addition to what is usual or strictly necessary

пятница, 20 апреля 2012 г.

Crazy news - you will know about it first!

News: Zombie seagulls are attacking alive people!!!

Scientists combined the DNA of a horse and a human being.

News: People in Siberia are so severe that they are attacking bears! 

вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

Healthy Lifestyle

1. Be positive! It will help you to be psychologically tuned to work and have a positive impact on your health. 

2. If you really want to keep a healthy lifestyle - don't smoke, don't drink, don't take drugs. Never begin and stay as far as possible from it.

3. In order to avoid stress and depression, to save your time and efforts, you should organize your daily schedule if you want to succeed. 

4. To get enough strength and energy, you should sleep 6 - 8 hours per day. Deep sleep is the vital source of brain activity, good state of health and mood. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll feel constantly tired and possibility of productive work in the afternoon will sharply decrease.  

5. It is necessary to do morning exercices to help our organism to pass from a somnolence to wakefulness. As a result, our organism is capable to react adequately to external physical and mental irritants, and finally we feel less stresses. 

6. To look well, it is also necessary to eat right. Eat more vegetables and fruit in order that our organism received as much as possible essential and useful vitamins. 

7. Drinking plenty of water daily, you will help your body to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as output the unwanted toxins.  

8. What is necessary for your body it is fresh air! Spend as much time outdoors as possible and the results will amaze you!  

9. Hobby is one of the ways to relax after a tiring working day. It can help to take your mind off the fuss and routine of everyday life, and make you feel better. 

10. One of the tips to defeat stress are the extra activities. You can become a volunteer or just be a player of a team. This will help you escape from problems at work and home and just have a good time. Presentation

четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.

Questions to the Harry Potter's glog

  1. How many copies of books about Harry Potter have been sold?
  2. In what book Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to complete Dumbledore's task?
  3. What is the major theme in the series, according to Rowling?